Price competition under a consider-then-choose model with lexicographic choice with Chamsi Hssaine and Siddhartha Banerjee, major revision at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) (2025).
Incentives for exploration at market equilibrium with Eren Ozbay, submitted (2024).
Appeared at ACM EC 2023
Earlier version appeared at the INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Conference 2022 (spotlight).
Algorithmic challenges in ensuring fairness at the time of decision with Jad Salem and Swati Gupta, minor revision at Operations Research 2024.
Appeared at WINE 2022.
Journals (published/accepted):
Maximal objectives in the multi-armed bandit with applications with Eren Ozbay, Management Science, 2024 (also at AISTATS 21)
An approximate dynamic programming approach to repeated games with vector losses with Jean Walrand and Patrick Loiseau, Operations Research, 2022.
The square-root agreement rule for incentivizing truthful feedback in online platforms with David Marn, Nihar Shah, Abhay Parekh, Kannan Ramchandran, Management Science, 2022.
Individual fairness in hindsight with Swati Gupta, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2021 (also at ACM EC 2019; Talk).
Matching while learning with Ramesh Johari and Yash Kanoria, Operations Research, 2020 (also at ACM EC 2017; Talk).
Revenue management on an on-demand service platform, in Operations Research Letters, 2019 (also at WINE 2018).
Iterative local voting for collective decision-making in continuous spaces with Nikhil Garg, David Marn, Ashish Goel and Kamesh Munagala, in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2018 (also at WWW 2017).
Approximately optimal scheduling of an M/G/1 queue with heavy tails with Jean Walrand, in Queueing Systems, 2015.
Evolutionary forwarding games in delay tolerant networks with Rachid El Azouzi, Francesco De Pellegrini, Habib Sidi, in Computer Networks, 2012.
Conference/Workshops (apart from those mentioned above):
Managing adoption under network effects with Mehrnaz Amjadi and Theja Tulabandhula, at NetEcon 2019.
Exploration vs. Exploitation in team formation with Hannah Li, Anilesh Krishnaswamy, and Ramesh Johari, at WINE 2018.
Network formation of coalition loyalty programs with Arpit Goel, Siddhartha Banerjee, Ashish Goel, at NetEcon 2016.
White spaces after the USA's TV incentive auction: A spectrum reallocation case-study with Vidya Muthukumar, Angel Daruna, Kate Harrison and Anant Sahai, at IEEE ICC 2015.
Sequential relevance maximization with binary feedback with Nadia Fawaz and Fernando Silveira, at the NeurIPS Workshop on Personalization: Methods and Applications 2014.
Strategyproof preference aggregation mechanisms for purchasing a shared resource with Jean Walrand, at NetEcon 2014.
The price of insecurity: public information transmission in zero-sum games with Jean Walrand, at Allerton conference on Communication, Control and Computing 2012.
Risk-sensitive optimal control framework applied to delay tolerant networks with Eitan Altman, Kavitha Veeraruna, Francesco De Pellegrini and Vivek Borkar, at IEEE Infocom 2011.
A theoretical framework for hierarchical routing games with Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Vinod Sharma, at IEEE Infocom 2010.
Stochastic games with one step delayed sharing information pattern with application to power control with Eitan Altman and Alonso Silva, at IEEE Gamenets 2009.
Convergence of Population Dynamics in Symmetric Routing Games with a finite number of players with Eitan Altman and Vivek Borkar, at IEEE Gamenets 2009.
A Braess type paradox in Power control over interference channels with Eitan Altman and Hisao Kameda, at WiOpt 2008.
Ph.D. Thesis: